Topic: Addressing Minority Male Juvenile Justice Involvement
Minority high school age students (mostly African-American males) school’s offenses are more likely to be elevated to criminal charges, that mandate court-appointed juvenile justice supervision.
National Average for Youths involved in the Juvenile Justice System: 18%
White American:-12% (38%-50%)
African-American Average: +11% (26%-15%)
Asian American Average: – 2% ( 3%-5%)
Hispanic American Average: -2% ( 23%-25%)
Native American Average: +1% (2%-1%)
Juvenile Court Statistics
Data Snapshot: School Discipline
Poor school attendance (Non-parent involvement)
Poor Academic Levels (Entering High School with low Math and Reading skills)
Substance Abuse (Drugs and Alcohol usage).
Out of School suspension (Non-addressed family issues)
How the 100% Graduation Rate Program Address the Problem:
- We met with the student and their parent to sign a 4-year agreement to graduate on time.
- We schedule and met with our local Juvenile Probation Office.
- We met with student’s probation officer if they were on probation.
- We held 12 after-school training sessions on Economics and the US Legal System for 9th graders.
- We sponsored 3 annual field trips with the students and their rival high school program participants, starting from the 9th grade to the 12th grade.
- We met school officials if any student was suspended.
- We talked with student’s parents if students, developed a school lateness and absenteeism problem of 3 days or more.
- We held 18 after-school training sessions on Academic Preparation, Social Skills and Job Readiness for 10th graders.
- We help place students in summer job programs or help find them summer jobs from 9th grade to 11th grade.
- We met with student’s summer job employers and gave them our contact information.
- We attend court with the student and their parents for their first offense.
- We develop a support system with our local County Prosecutor’s Office.
100% Graduation Rate Program Results:
Camden, New Jersey – **Program Participants Group B (105) compared to Program Sample Group A (105)
The Male Program participants had a 25% lower rate of males Involved in the Juvenile Justice System. Compared to the City’s sample group of males – 34% (36 out of 105) to 9% (9 out of 105).
**Selection Process:
Each year, the City’s two largest high schools – Camden High and Woodrow Wilson – Guidance Departments selected 15 incoming high school freshmen for the program. These students were classified as at-risk, based on having grades below C in Math and/or Reading, or had a poor student behavior problem.
The students were then randomly assigned to a Program Group- A (Non-treatment) or Group B (Program Treatment) – based on their seating during the program’s orientation.
Our Recommendations:
School Districts should work with Family Courts, Police Departments, and Community Organizations to:
- develop guidelines for school student conduct violations, which includes parent involvement.
- coordinate community service merit projects.
- mandate a 12-step angry management, problem-solving, and conflict resolution program.